Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A toilet, and some other nice pictures. ;)

A Month and half has FLOWN by so quickly... :)

I always have something to do, so I don't update this blog as often as should. But between Bible studies, Badminton, Classes, Debate, and Japanese, I am busy. XD I am eating a danish filled with Red Beans... SO DELICIOUS!!!
America needs to embrace Azuki (Sweet Red Beans)!  
Aside from that random note, I did help teach English to some first Graders. They are really cute. They learned Hello, Thank you, See you. Looked like a fun class. :)

I picked out some nice pictures from the bus tour I went on.

Say Hello to the Chemically Altered lake again. ;)

There was this really big rock in the middle of it, there was a path, so look at the person on the rock to estimate size.
(Note: American Male is on Rock, so do not assume it is a shorter Japanese Person when estimating size)

This thing was on the top of the afore mentioned rock. It may be a Shinto... Shrine... thingy,I do not know. Cool though.

That tree is about four feet thick. The rock in picture (besides having Cool Japanese writing on it) is about as tall than me. OLD TREE alert. Lots of beautiful Nature. :)

We went to a sakura (All those pink trees I keep taking pictures) festival. Lots of people and sakura everywhere. This is where that Japanese Folk dance I recorded was held.
I got to eat Sakura Flavored Ice Cream. (Another thing that America REALLY needs to import) :P

Er.... Blogger's Picture moving thing annoys me. :(
Anyway, at the Sakura festival, I saw a museum of sorts. Right now, you only get to see some old China Plates. (Kirei = Beautiful)

(I think that may have been funny to some Japanese people... probably not though...)
Chocolate Covered Bananas, very popular at Japanese Festivals. Lots of stands selling lots of (sometimes unappetizing) Japanese food. Thankfully, everyone likes chocolate bananas.

 I Think that this scenery explains itself. I only wish my picture taking skills were better. (The fact that it was cloudy all afternoon did not help. >_<  )

I do not get tired of sakura pictures, I like this one a lot, with the focus on the front and the festival in the background. ^__^

And the last picture, I save for my Dad. I felt rather weird taking this, but here it is a Japanese Toilet.

yeah... You don't get to sit down. So actually kinda sanitary.^__^ Not sure which was to face at first either. :P

I would like to close by thanking my mother for doing my laundry every week(back home). I do not really care to do it. XD

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures!!! The school children sound adorable:) I like my toilet at home!!
